
I think anarchy can be largely lived as an individual, without requiring it from the society around you: I can live according to my own morals, non-aggressively, and - for example - withhold information on my whereabouts, my assets, etc. as I please while making sure to avoid legal consequences.

What is much more serious nevertheless is the point you have been stressing, Darius: Smiling politicians are hungrily shoving us towards a big war using nice-sounding platitudes, and that is scary as hell. Anything we can do to expand our influence and help avoid that we should do.

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So true… I can’t even agree with myself on those points, let alone with someone else. Definitely in the no border camp personally 😁

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I am 50/50 on anarchism. No, wait, maybe 80/20.

You see, the ideas of Anarchism are complex. Anarchistd can't even agree on them between themselves.

One thing they (and I) agree is the non agression principle. The rest is a deep mess.

Private property or no privite property.

Laws or no Laws.

Communes or individualism.

Boarders or no boarders.

And on it goes.

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